Learn Ido!
Are you interested in learning a planned language? Then you might want to check out Ido, an international auxiliary language that few people know about. Ido was created in 1907 by a group of scientists and experts in Paris who wanted to develop a language that could facilitate international communication, particularly in science and business.
What sets Ido apart from other languages is its approach to word building. Rather than relying on complex grammar rules, Ido words are constructed from simple word pieces that work like LEGO® bricks. For example, the root for sibling is [frat-], and adding [-o] makes [frato], which means a sibling. Adding [-i] gives you [frati], or siblings, while [-ul-] and [-in-] create [fratulo] and [fratino] for brother and sister, respectively. With the addition of [-es-], you get [frateso] brotherhood, and [-a] and [-al-] form [fratala] fraternal. The possibilities are endless, and the language is both logical and consistent, making it easy to learn and use.
Unlike other planned languages, Ido's system is entirely logical, eliminating the need to check a dictionary for the meaning of a word once you know the meaning of its parts. This approach, inspired by logical reductionism, allows for fast learning of the language, as the elements are repeated frequently. Ido is a language that's suitable for worldwide relations, as its words' meaning depends only on logic, not the whims of a Western language.
If you're interested in learning Ido, check out below for books written specifically for this purpose. Reading them in the order listed can help you get started.
I hope you'll enjoy discovering and exploring Ido.
Gilles-Philippe Morin
Elementary Grammar (1919)
Title: An elementary Grammar of IDO: adapted and translated from the French of L. DE BEAUFRONT
Authors: F. H. P. Knight & C. E. Pryer
Year: 1919
Publisher: Guilbert Pitman
City: Croydon
Pages: 36

Exercaro (1924)
Title: IDO: Exercaro
Author: L. de Beaufront
Year: 1924
Edition: 5th Edition
Publisher: Imprimerio Chaix
City: Paris
Pages: 40

Unesma Lektolibro (1920-1921)
Parto Unesma (1920)
Title: IDO: Unesma Lektolibro: Parto Unesma
Authors: several authors
Year: 1920
Edition: 2-ma edituro
Publisher: Imprimerie Chaix
City: Paris
Pages: 76

Parto Duesma (1921)
Title: IDO: Unesma Lektolibro: Parto Duesma
Authors: several authors
Year: 1921
Edition: Duesma edituro
Publisher: Imprimerie Chaix
City: Paris
Pages: 84

Delmas-Tabeli Helpanta (1926)
Title: Expliko-Libreto di La Delmas-Tabeli Helpanta por la praktikal docado di la moderna lingui per la direta metodo e l'imaji
Author: J. Guignon (member of the Idistic Academy)
Year: 1926
Publisher: Ido-Kontoro
City: Thaon-les-Vosges
Pages: 106

Prière sur l'Acropole de Renan: Je suis né, déesse aux yeux bleux…
«Me naskis, deina blu-okulo, de barbara gepatri, che la bon e vertuoza Cimeriani qui habitas la bordo di maro sen-luma, herisata de rokaji, sempre batata dal sturmi. Ibe, on konocas apene la suno; la flori esas la muski maral, l'algi e la koloroza konki quin on trovas en la fundo dil golfeti dezerta. Ibe la nubi semblas sen koloro, ed ipsa la joyo esas kelke trista; ma fonteni de kold aquo ibe fluas ek la rokaji, e l'okuli dil yunini esas quale ta verda fonteni en qui, sur fundi de herbi ondo-forma, reflektas su la cielo.
«Mea preavi, tam antique kam ni povas konocar, esis konsakrit al fora navigado, sur mari quin tua argonauti nultempe konocis. Me audis, dum mea yuneso, la kansoni pri voyaji al polo; me esis bersat en la memoreso dil glaci-flotari, dil nebuloz mari lakto-simila, dil insuli plena de uceli, qui sua-hore kantadas e, flugeskante omni kune, obskurigas la cielo.»
Qualité essentielle de la langue internationale, d'après le professeur Otto Jespersen de Copenhague, membre du Comité de la Délégation et premier Président de l'Académie de l'Ido:
«La maxim bona linguo internaciona esas ta, qua prizentas la maxim faciles—granda facileso por la maxim multa homi.»
The marquis Louis de Beaufront, main author of Ido.